!Markkëtplace early adopters!

!Markkëtplace early adopters!


Join our Markkëtplace instance!

Hosted by Digital Ocean and with connected to public Github repos

Launch your store using our domain [/de.markket.place/store/nekko]

Or clone our template and [/deploy a free static site using github pages] * it offers incredible performance to your visitors, (requires deploying again after content changes, and manual syncing of the fork)

Or [/read JSON like a normal adult]

We’re getting closer to launching enough features to have a real website

Our live stores are selling real products you can buy from our friends * currently it requires us manually copying some values from Stripe

We're implementing more Stripe features soon, store owners connect their bank accounts thru Stripe and we deal thru their API

Poke around and help us test our server capacity with:

✅ Store, Customize your branding

✅ Products, Pages & Articles, and other useful content marketing features

✅ Easy Store Deployment, self host or join an existing markketplace instance

✅ Dashboards (coming soon)

✅ Subscribers (export customer data to your favorite CRM, coming soon)

✅ Forms, surveys & applications

✅ Event planning & digital services

We're prioritizing features that help our personal stores, and including as many ideas from the community as possible

👉 [/Register now] and start publishing!



[email protected]